Steven's 9x13 Recipes #2: Another great-tasting and easy-to-make cassarole! It's pretty much exactly what the name says, but don't be fooled by its simplicity, I find it so easy to eat so much of this dish. Also makes great leftovers, so as with my other cassaroles, if you're cooking for yourself set Feeds: 3. One unique advantage of this recipe: it doesn't necessarily require a stove! I've cooked the rice and veggies in the microwave before, then put it in the oven- it could be a good recipe if your other roommates are cooking? I've been in the Forge for two years though, I wouldn't know. I do know that you'll enjoy this wonderful meal!
Prep time: ~20 minutes? Oven time: 60 minutes
Suggested Sides:
*A great time to prepare sides or do dishes! Another bonus- this meal generates very few dishes!